5 Ways to Let Go of Failure & Achieve Success Now

Are you dreaming of starting your own business so you can be more flexible to travel the world, be financially independent or make a positive impact on the world?

You have an idea that could actually be really successful but you are too afraid to just get it going? You keep finding excuses and delaying the actual start of your project? “I’ll start when I’ll have more money”, “the market isn’t right at the moment”, “I’m too busy doing something I don’t enjoy”,… and the list goes on. I hear you. We’ve all been there.

Yes, we all have fears. It is natural ad human to feel this way. It happens once we get out of our comfort zone. This little voice in our head starts to freak out and paralyzes us to take actions in the direction of our dreams.

Why should we let go of fear, why should we leave that comfortable place we are in right now to go in an unknown scary direction? Because this is where the magic happens! Ask yourself for a second: what is scarier – to maybe fail and go back to where you are at right now or to give up on your dreams and live with regrets the rest of your life?

“If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been.” Robert Schuller

Here are 5 ways to embrace your fears and achieve success:

1.       Don’t look at your fears like your enemies. Embrace them.

Your fears are here to protect you from unknown dangers. Listen to your doubts and acknowledge that this situation is scary. Surrender to your fears and accept this is a part of you. It will dissolve much faster than if you try to repress them.

This does not mean you are letting your fears take over. Once you feel like you might be freaking out, take a break and a few deep breaths. Your fears are not taking any decisions, you are in charge!

2.       One step at a time

Having big dreams is scary. The finish line seems so far away, at times it will look like it is impossible to get there. Don’t rush into it. Take it one step at a time and focus on what you need to do next. Rome wasn’t build in one day, your company doesn’t need to be either. Write down small next steps and focus on those.

3.       Don’t take your failures personally

Guess what, if for some reason your project fails this does not mean you, as a person, are a failure. It just means you took a risk and went for it! Take a step back and acknowledge all your efforts.

4.       Learn from your failures

Every single time you fail, this is a huge opportunity to learn something new and to understand how to do it better next time. This way of thinking will set you up for success! Every entrepreneur has failed many times before launching their successful company but they never gave up! Take some time to learn from the people you admire and research their background. Check out their first projects and how they managed their own failures.

5.       Start visualizing your dream life

Have a clear mental picture of what you would like to accomplish. Picture yourself making your dream happen. Add as much details to this picture as you can: How do you feel? How does your work space look like? Who are you working with? What time do you start working? What kind of customers do you have? Start thinking of a name for your business and imagine you introducing yourself as the owner. 


Remember, if your dreams don’t scare you, it means they are not big enough.

Still feeling scared? This is a great sign! Now is you time to jump in, be committed and trusting!

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