Increase Your Website Rankings & Organic Traffic With Earned Media

Unlike advertising and paid promotions, earned media cannot be bought. It is an organic way of gaining traffic mostly through social media and public relations. Two areas we specialize in and absolutely love because they create amazing results for our clients. 

Gaining traffic organically is very efficient because it helps you attract to your website people who are genuinely interested in your content. You are attracting high potential clients who are coming to you wanting to know more.

But how can you gain that traffic organically? Let’s dive in.


Social media should be an important part of your strategy if you wish to grow your business. It helps you build brand awareness and grow a more authentic relationship with your audience and customers. And yes, it also helps you increase the traffic on your website. 

Content Creation Strategy:

First, create quality content that will be available on your website. It could be a blog, a podcast, a video, a guide, etc. 

Then, talk about this content on your social media platforms and link it back to your website. Use your social media as a way to tease your content and invite your audience to click on your site to access that piece of information. 

  • Quality Content

The important aspect here is to create QUALITY CONTENT. Make sure that what you are creating really offers value to your audience. What will they learn or gain from this piece of content? Would you find this article interesting or entertaining? 

You want to leave your audience feeling like they have learned or gained something by consuming your content. Why? Because then they will want to come back next time you post something new.

Providing valuable and engaging information on your social media platforms invites your followers to click on your link and read more on your website. Once they are on your website, they are immersed in your universe. If they like your content, it will invite them to browse more to get to know who you are and what you offer. 

  • Avoid only self-promotion

Avoid this common mistake to only create content about your own products or services. The first goal of these types of content should be to bring value to your audience and not to upsell them something. If you only focus on yourself and your offers, you will quickly lose the interest of your audience which will hurt your traffic as well. 

Instead, get to know your audience and what they are looking for and be the person who answers their needs and questions. 

By creating high-value content on your website, you will feed search engines like Google with important information and keywords which will help your website ranking. By resharing this content on your social media, you are inviting your audience to visit your website which will also help rank higher. 


The other way to use earned media to increase traffic on your site is through public relations. PR is a great tool to attract people and get them interested in your offer online. 

Collaboration and earned media mentions:

A great way to get more traffic is when another website or publication mentions you and links back to your site in their article. It gives you the opportunity to tap into the audience of another person/magazine/company. 

  • High authority sites 

Being mentioned in high authority sites such as magazines and online newspapers is an amazing way to boost your SEO and your traffic. Search engines love to see that your website is being backed by another trusted source. 

These mentions and collaborations can be planned ahead of time using PR campaigns. Your PR campaign will help you reach out to the right publications with the right content at the right time. Building relationships with editors, understanding their needs, and providing them with the content that they are looking for and that will put your name out there is the beauty of Public Relations. 

  • Partner with the right audience

To have successful collaborations and mentions, it is important to partner with the right people. The ones who share the same audience as you. You don’t need to be read and seen by everyone. You want to be in front of an audience that will be interested in your products and offers. 

Public Relations is really efficient because you are not yourself promoting your brand. Instead, someone else is talking positively about you which will invite their audience to check you out. This has a great impact on the readers. They will feel like they can trust the information more. 

  • Analytics 

Make sure to set up your analytics correctly on your website to better understand where the traffic comes from. Let’s say one magazine mentions your name, you will want to see how many people came to your website from that magazine. This will help you know better which actions are working the best and which ones you should repeat in the future. 

Are you ready to invest in your social media and public relations strategy to increase your traffic on your website? If you need additional help, click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation

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