PR Tips to Become an Industry Expert

You have a unique take on things. You have years of experience. You have the knowledge and the intuition to make the right calls in your business. Technically, you are an expert in your field but you aren’t defined as one yet. Let’s make this happen.

Being recognized as an expert in your industry can really boost your business. It will constantly attract clients – your dream clients! 

We’ve compiled 5 PR tips to help you levitate your expertise and become an industry expert.

1.     Define your niche

Don’t spend your time and energy trying to prove you are an expert at everything. You will end up losing that battle because it is simply not possible. Instead, be extra specific with your expertise. 

What is your niche? Who are your dream clients? What are your favorite projects to work on?

For example: don’t target all women but focus on moms who want to have a sustainable lifestyle. 

By having a clear target market you will be able to use the right verbiage and the ideal angle for this audience. By doing that, your targeted niche will really feel like “you get them”. At the end of the day, we are attracted to people who listen to us and understand who we are. If you can show that to your niche you will get ahead of your competition. 

2.     Create expert content

To become an industry expert you must be willing to share your expertise with a goal to educate others and support the community. Yes, it will help your sales, it will help you to raise your prices, and it will get you in touch with new customers. But sales shouldn’t be your number goal to become an expert. Your mission as an expert is to share your knowledge with others. This is an organic and healthy way to grow your community. 

Start by defining topics that you feel really confident to talk about and share your thoughts and expertise on it. Don’t be afraid to share details and tips. With every piece of content you will share, your goal should be to leave the reader/listener with valuable information and the feeling they have learned something. 

Write a blog once a week about a specific topic that is related to your niche, host a podcast, launch your YouTube channel. To start, choose your favorite platform, find the frequency that works for you, and really commit to posting regularly. Once you are comfortable with it, you can start expanding to other platforms. 

When sharing content, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Show the good and the hard side of your business. You do not have to show a perfect picture. Vulnerability will actually help you gain more empathy and will help you connect on a deeper level with your community. 

3.     Pitch your content

The press needs content constantly. You just wrote a piece on the newest trend in your industry? Pitch editors that have an interest in your topics and start a conversation. Show them what you know, how you write, and start a connection with them. Become their go-to person for that specific niche. Next time they will need content on it they know they can count on your expertise. 

Don’t limit yourself to the traditional media. Brainstorm other content creators. Think about all the podcasts out there that are welcoming guests every day. Get in touch with them too to be one of their guests! 

4.     Be a guest speaker

Research conferences and events that are taken place in your industry. Pitch your ideas for a talk. This is a great exposure opportunity.

Don’t accept everything but also don’t turn down an event simply because it doesn’t pay you cash. Before saying yes or no to a conference consider the amount of time and energy it will take you – including travel time (even though these days it will most likely be online) and compare it to the reach you will get. Leads and presence can be worth a lot more than cash but make sure that you will be in front of the right audience for you.  

5.     Apply for awards

There are a lot of different awards for each industry. Research the ones that are relevant to you and your niche. Receiving an award can really help grow your brand authority. It shows that the industry respects you and your work is being recognized. It will have a very positive effect on your future clients. 

Let’s get your name out there. If this seems too much work or overwhelming to you, let’s chat. We are here to help you. Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation.




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