Public Relations and Social Media Statistics and Trends You REALLY Need to Know

Whatever industry your business may belong to, looking out for what’s up-and-coming is the best way to stay afloat. In business, you win some, you lose some, but it is always a good thing to get more wins and own the bigger share of the pie. What have we learned from social media and communications trends in the past years? What are the new things to watch out for when it comes to marketing your brand in the light of ongoing social media and public relations initiatives?

As we inch closer to the new decade, here are some very important Public Relations and Social Trends you REALLY need to mind:



In the most recent years, we have seen more businesses appreciating the value of employing a Public Relations agency to bring forth their marketing objectives. We have, likewise, seen the direction of companies heeding more towards agencies with a considerable focus on a specific industry or niche. There is an increased demand for specialization as more companies become aware that the more focused agencies are to a certain industry, the more effective they are to carry on results and of course, media placements in media outlets that stand out.



Content is the life-blood of Public Relations, and with so many other sources to track down and confirm information, the need for more transparent and authentic content comes to light. This trend is not only in Public Relations but in Social Media as well. More consumers now turn to anything that is more relatable, real and authentic. With this is mind, content—in any kind of media—has to contain the same amount of excitement and zest, but at the same time be transparent and believable.



There are 2.46 billion people on social media, and whether or not the day-to-day numbers rise and dip every now and then, trends still point out to it as an unstoppable force that will continue to rise in the many years. This is because more and more social media platforms are born and gain popularity, and this is all beyond the usual Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or what have you. What other social media platforms will make it big in the coming years? Only time will tell.



Facebook has Facebook Stories, Instagram has Instagram Stories, Snapchat has their own, too, and basically almost every social media platform is looking into adding more ephemeral, now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t content to boost their popularity. Why is this so? Because social culture dictates authenticity—it also demands transparent information that goes beyond polished lines and edited videos. Another trend that will continue to be big? Live Streaming. For the most obvious reasons, consumers demand quick-fire, real-time content they can access anytime, anywhere.



There is, and will be, a growing number of companies present on Social Media employing Chatbots to engage, give guidelines and converse with customers.               A study shows that by 2020, 85% of social media engagements will be done via Chatbots with very little to no aid of a real person. Why does this number continually increase? Because people demand real-time responses, and whether they are aware that they are talking to a robot, they would rather get the information there easily than spend more time on a customer service call.


One of the key drivers to a successful business is relevance, and for companies to stay on top of their game, they have to be alert on these trends in communication. There are tons of opportunities for growth and success out there, and a following of potential customers you need to win. Be vigilant of these trends and you will never go wrong.


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