Put On Courage: Release Fear and Be Successful Anyway
How many ideas have you had that you never acted on it? Would it be because a second after getting those ideas you started doubting and creating hundreds of excuses that it would not work? Huh huh. We’ve all been there.
Here is the secret. The fear is never going to leave you. Even famous artists get nervous before getting on stage. After hundreds of shows in front of thousands of people, Adele still gets nervous to the point she wants to run away. Even Beyoncé and Rihanna feel anxiety. When we see them on stage though they breathe in confidence and easiness. What do they do then?
They go for it anyway.
Transform fear into excitement
Here is a trick for you: instead of letting fear blocking you, change that fear into excitement. Don’t try to suppress the fear by being totally peaced-out. This is not the current state of your body and it’s ok. Take a deep breath, shake your whole body and get excited for what is coming. Use that anxious energy to bring up your excitement level instead of being paralyzed by fear.
Use the positive tense. Your fear will usually show you the downside of your actions and ideas. When this comes up do this quick exercise. Instead of focusing on the effect that it will have on your life if you don’t get the raise you are asking, if you get rejected from a publisher or if no one buys your product, think about how it would feel like if you were signing a contract with a publisher, getting the raise on your bank account, and seeing people wearing your product in the street. Feel that positive energy fueling your body.
That is courage my dears. Courage is not about not being afraid. Far from it. It is actually about being afraid and yet going for it anyway because we know deep down this is what needs to be done.
According to Dr. Brené Brown, courage can be measured by how vulnerable we are. It is to choose courage over comfort. Being courageous is to share our story with our whole hearts.
How to bring our ideas to life?
We’ve got great ideas but our little voice in our head is working hard to find all the hundreds of ways of why this could be a disaster. Guess what? That’s totally normal. *sigh of relief * Now this doesn’t mean that your little voice is right. She is just trying to keep you safe. Safer than you really need to be. What happens is that our brain is made in a way to make sure we are in a protected environment. If this is a great feature to keep us alive when we are in nature or by ourselves in the dark streets of a sketchy neighborhood, this is actually also blocking our growth and our opportunities to really thrive. Your new creative ideas that are the key to be successful are always changing everything up and creating chaos in your organized brain. Keep in mind that your brain will want to stay in control, it will rather stay in a bad situation because at least it knows what to expect instead of going for it and taking a leap towards something that sounds very cool but unknown.
Don’t expect the road to success to be smooth and easy. We have this tendency to think that if it isn’t working right away then it means that it wasn’t meant to be working for us. Next time this happens, think of it as a challenge to prove that this is meant for YOU. Embrace the challenge, put on courage and go for it anyway.
Your next steps:
1. You’ve got an idea. Write it down NOW!
2. Make a commitment – put this idea in a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely)
3. Be clear on the reason why you want to make this idea your reality. What lifestyle are you embracing, who are you going to help, what positive impact will you have?
4. Write down your fears. Don’t suppress them but embrace them and get close to them. Let them have a voice then decide for yourself that you will not follow your fear. Instead, embrace your courage! If you have fears and you are going for it anyway it means you are COURAGEOUS! How great does it feel to think of yourself as a courageous person?
5. Break down your big goals into small steps AND START TODAY. Let’s stop waiting around for the perfect time, the perfect place, the next workshop, the experience to come. Take action today. Whatever it is. Email someone about your idea, get feedback, create the email address of your business.
Are you ready to move forward by embracing your fears and letting your courage leading you? Or do you consciously commit to fall back? There is no staying at the same spot. You either move up or move down. Which one do you want to choose today?
Your fear is taking over again? Let’s be honest, it will happen over and over. And knowing that will actually help you move past it. When it happens remember why you are doing it. This is why you need to have a solid reason. Who are you helping? There are no coincidences. You aren’t here just to be here. You are here with a purpose to serve other people. Keep that why well integrated. This isn’t just about you. It’s about the people you are helping.
Ready to take your business to the next level? Let’s work together to make your ideas a reality. Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation.