Use These 5 PR Tips & Get your Interior Design Projects Published

Are you going through interior design magazines wondering how on earth could your name one day end up in those pages? This isn’t just luck and a random coincidence. A good PR strategy will get you there.

Here are 5 tips to get your interior design projects and your name published this year!

1.       Be specific

You aren’t going to cater your services to everyone and this is perfectly fine! Actually, having a specific niche market will serve you. Define your dream audience and develop your own unique style. Don’t limit yourself trying to please everyone while designing your projects. Be bold, and one-of-a-kind to stand out and attract the right clients right from the beginning.

2.       Be the face of your brand & the expert

Clients aren’t just signing for a project, they are connecting with the creative brain behind these ideas. Interior design is very much linked to emotions and feelings and it is important for the designer and the client to connect and share the same energy and embrace the same vision.

Don’t be afraid to share more about who you are, talk about your years of experiences, let your client and the industry know you understand your target audience – their mission, concerns and goals.

As the interior designer you are the face of your brand. Position yourself as the expert. The press will connect much more with your personality as well and it will add credibility. You can then become their go-to person when they need input on a specific topic.

3.       Partner with big names

You’ve worked for famous or popular clients or you partnered on a big prestigious projects before? Reference them! Those are great to get your name out there! Make sure to share it with the industry.

Consider partnering with influencers even if that means trading your services. The reputation that you can gain can be a big push for your career and help build your credibility and raise awareness on your brand and name.

4.       Build a good relationship with the journalists

Get to know the magazine you want to be published in and the editorial team. Do your research to find the journalists that could be the most interested in your projects. Read some of their previous works and reference those articles to them. Your objective here is to help them and make their job easier. Keep in mind that this is a relationship between human beings. If they like you, if they trust your work and if you build a good, professional and friendly bond with the journalists, they will be more likely to come to you when they need content.

5.       Timing is everything

Take some time to research the magazine’s editorial calendar. Each magazine has specific themes each month. Don’t pitch a vacation home renovation in September when you see in their calendar this was the theme for the issue of the month of June.

Understand the interest of the editorial team, what they are looking for, what angles of interior design they want to showcase. Your projects might be a great fit for the publication but you need to make sure to pitch it the right way: do they want to focus on the sustainable materials you used, the before and after effect, the furniture arrangements, etc.

Don’t forget to follow up! One email is most likely not going to do it and here again timing is precious! Don’t follow up when it’s convenient for you. Follow up at the appropriate time for the journalist to increase your chance that he or she will have the time to read your email and respond to you.

Having a PR agency to help can really come in handy. We are specialized in interior design communication and we have built strong relationships through our years of experience within the industry. By partnering with us, you will take advantage of strong relationships with interior design publications making our efforts more impactful. Let’s talk about your goals this year and let’s make it happen.  


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