10 Productivity Tips for Successful Business Owners

As business owners, it seems like we are always running out of time. If only we had more time to do this or that… Life would get so much easier then!

But then have you ever noticed, when you actually manage to free up some time - let’s say one of your big projects just ended - all of a sudden you still manage to get too busy and start running around again.

So is it really more time that we need? Or should we take a look at our daily habits and find ways to be more productive?

We’ve compiled 10 productivity tips to be more successful as a business owner. Try them all or just a few and see how they make you feel!

Ready? Let’s go!

  1. Remove the distractions

How many hours of the day are you actually 100% focused on your task? How often do you answer your phone, check your emails, answer a text, end up checking Instagram, or get interrupted by someone walking in your office…

Pick one task you need to finish and remove all the distractions that could take you away from that task. Try also closing all your tabs on your laptop if you are working online.

Experience with setting a timer. During that set time, only focus on that one task.

Most likely, you will finish your task earlier and will be able to attend to all the other obligations after that with a more peaceful mind.

2. Start your day with the hardest task

We usually all have that one task on our day list that we are dreading to do. Instead of constantly pushing it to later, attend to it first thing in the morning. This is when your mind is the most awake and energized and that will also allow you to remove that burden on your shoulder for the whole day.

3. Prepare meetings ahead of time

Meetings can be very time-consuming. Make sure to prepare your meetings ahead of time. Have an agenda ready that you can share with the other participants and stick to it. While prepping it, if you realize it actually doesn’t require an hour-long meeting, make it shorter or even address it by email.

4. Start your day meditating

Meditating first thing in the morning has shown to have a long-lasting effect on your productivity. Avoid reaching for your phone while you are still in bed to check your email, to-do list, or social media. Instead, take a moment to quiet your mind and find yourself in the right mindset to start the day. You will find yourself more centered and better able to make the right decisions. If you feel throughout the day that you are losing control or getting too stressed, give yourself a few minutes to focus on your breath.

5. Prepare your to-do list the day before

End your workday with a clear agenda for the following day. Know at what time you will start and with what. Have a clear list of the tasks you need to get done and the meetings you need to attend. By preparing it the night before, you are giving your future self some peace of mind. Having a clear schedule in mind for the next day will also allow you to unwind more easily at night.

Make sure to also prep your office the night before - clear your desk and declutter the space for the next day.

6. Wait before checking your emails

We have a tendency to open our mailbox first thing in the morning. This only adds to the number of things we need to do, increasing our level of stress and making us less productive. Instead, dedicate some time to read your email a little later in the morning after you already accomplish your big task of the day.

7. Note down all your ideas

When you have an idea passing by your mind, keep a note of it so you can go back to it at a later time when you have more time to actually reflect or act on it. Putting down on paper or on a document your ideas will help you free your mind and stay focused on your task.

8. Centralize all your tasks in one place 

Avoid having multiple to-do lists and agendas. Keep all your tasks in one place to make sure you won’t forget anything. There are many different tools and software that can help us such as Asana or Trello.

9. Boost your energy

Feeling tired? Wait before getting your third cup of coffee of the day. Instead, go on a short walk, get some fresh air, stretch your body, dance for a couple of minutes. Your level of energy will start rising back up. 

10.It takes less than 2 minutes? Do it now! 

Do you have a task that takes less than 2 minutes to complete? Like sending a quick email, make a quick edit on a project… or any other tasks that will be done quickly? Do it now. Don’t bother to put them on your to-do list. It will take as much time to write it down as to complete the task so do it right away. 

Try these tips today! You don’t have to set up anything, just give it a try this week and see how they make you feel. By being more productive during your workday you will be able to finally accomplish those tasks that have been piling up and enjoy your free time more!

Another great way to finally get back some time is to delegate! If you can’t attend to all your marketing and public relations tasks, come chat with us! We’re here to help. Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation. 

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