How To Reach Your Marketing Goals Using Content Creation

Content marketing is king. You might have heard that before and let me confirm it to you, it really is. 

Content marketing is a marketing strategy focused on creating and sharing quality and relevant content to your community and specific industry. This is done through social media posts, blog posts, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, etc. 

The goal of content marketing is to share tips, advice, expertise on specific topics related to your offer. This is a way to promote your offering in a more subtle yet very efficient way. This will tremendously help you to establish yourself and your brand as an expert and stimulate interest in your products or services.

Content creation can help you achieve one of the hardest aspects of having a successful business: reaching and gaining new clients. 

But not any content will do the trick.

The content you will create and share on behalf of your company has to be strategic and well planned out or it won’t convert. Take a look at the following points before starting to create your content.

1. Who is the content for?

Before anything, think about your audience. Who do you want to reach? Who do you want your blog to be read by, your podcast to be listened by, your video to be watched by?

Defining your ideal audience is a key element. When you create your content make sure to keep that audience at the center of your message.

Not only define a clear audience but also make sure to understand who they are. What are their main pain points? What are their interests? What are they struggling with at the moment? 

2. What is the main goal of your content?

Once that you know who you want to target, ask yourself what is the main purpose of your content. Are you looking to make a sale on a specific product or service? Are you wanting to grow your brand’s awareness? Or do you want to collect leads such as email addresses for your newsletter or social media followers? 

The goal of your campaign will also influence the content you will create.

3. Where would you share it?

Knowing your audience is again key here. You want to make sure to publish your content where your ideal audience is. Is it on Instagram or more on LinkedIn? Is it in a newspaper or on the radio? Is it at a yoga studio or an expo? Do they read more blogs or listen to more podcasts?

There are many different spaces to find your audience. The more you understand how they behave the better you will be able to put your content in front of them.

4. Share your knowledge without filters 

You want your content to answer the needs and questions of your audience. Look at your messaging as a Google search answer. Your audience will be searching for something by asking a question. You want your content to be the answer to that question.

Make sure that your audience get a clear answer by the end of the content. You don’t want it to just be a teasing to another paid program or product. Don’t be afraid to “share too much”. It won’t hurt you to share freely your knowledge. What it will do instead is to showcase you as a true expert. When the value you provide for free is so good, it invites people to invest in your other paid offerings and it helps you build a trustworthy relationship with them.

5. Include your brand identity

Make sure the content you are sharing is also branded and represents your company’s identity correctly. Let’s say you are writing a free e-book: pay special attention to the layout of the whole document to make sure it includes your colors, your fonts, your tone of voice. People should recognize your company.

6. Repurpose your content

Once you’ve created that one qualitative piece of content, share it on multiple platforms and do so multiple times. You’ve spent a lot of time and energy creating that one content, now you get to promote it properly.

Say goodbye to cold-calling and prospecting. Content creation will bring you new clients regularly who are aligned with your brand and offering. Yes, creating content can be time-consuming but it really is the key to help you reach your marketing goals. 

We help our clients create strategic content that converts. If you are interested in learning more, click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation

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