What is SEO & How Does It Relate to the Success of Your Business

What is SEO & How Does It Relate to the Success of Your Business

March 7, 2018

“SEO? What is that?” This seems to be a fairly common question that many businesses, especially new ones, are beginning to realize they need the answer to. Granted, they should know because it turns out that it is pretty important when it comes the the success of a business.


SEO Defined

Search Engine Optimization (aka SEO), can be defined in loose terms as the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results. Many things can be done to improve website traffic and there are many methods to do so. Here are a few: using keywords, keyword analysis, backlinking and writing content that actual people want to read! For example, when people want to find something about computers built in South America, they type into google: “Computers built in South America”. If you want your website to pop up in the top results, using those keywords in the title and first few sentences of the article is a must! The more clicks a website gets, the higher in the search results it must, thus resulting in more website traffic. Using these clean methods is also known as White Hat SEO.


More Business? How?

You guessed it, the more website traffic the more business rolls in. It is all organic, which means no money has been put towards marketing the website through SEO. Although there are plenty of ways to get a website at the top of a page using paid ads, White Hat SEO is meant for a company or business that is looking for a long term commitment. If the company plans on sticking around for a while, this method is crucial to see real organic business growth. It is especially important for a business that might not have enough money to put towards paid advertising.


Why Do It?

Many lifestyle bloggers, travel companies, marketing agencies, etc use SEO consistently. Noticeably, many companies that are successful have great blogs and articles that create that momentum of organic traffic to their website. Once on the website, most people are prone to clicking around and seeing what the company has to offer. This results in more business just because the author of the article decided to use specific keywords in the title and body. Simple!


Although it seems like a simple concept, most companies struggle with finding a writer to do all of these thing. Luckily there are many plug-ins that websites offer to help with SEO and other items in order to improve organic reach. Realizing how imperative it is to begin this process is the first step in trafficking more business to your website! Companies that to wait to start doing this tend to suffer when it comes to website traffic and have to use more out of the marketing budget to pay for ads linking to their website! Save yourself some time and plan on making this a priority when creating a killer website.


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