Grow Your Interior Design Company with a Public Relations End-of-Year Makeover

Would you look at that, it’s October! We are in the last quarter of 2019. What happened to this year? Time does fly when you’re busy.


It’s time to check in on the company goals that were set at the beginning of the year. Where do you stand? Maybe they got overlooked or were packed away with the winter clothes. Regardless, it’s time to relocate where they went and reassess the mission of 2019. Take an inventory of things you did achieve and figure out what else there is to do. Unfortunately, there are probably more things to shoot for now that it’s closer to the end of the year. There will be new goals, old goals, and some that need to be updated.


Time to Assess

End of Summertime / early Fall is a great time to do a refresh and re-evaluate. You’ve passed the halfway mark of the year and companies aren’t hectic as of yet. Between school starting again and summer vacations ending, the PR work is just about to pick back up. 


This is the perfect time to strategize and take advantage of a more open schedule. Here is what we suggest to start re-organizing to give yourself a PR makeover.


1. Clean it Up

Clean, clean, clean. This means the office, electronic filing system, email, etc. If you think it could use a trash run, go for it. A clean and organized environment will help you focus on what you need to get done plus efficiency runs on cleanliness and organization.


2. Do It.

Do you know those tasks that you’ve been saying “we should do that”? Well, this is the time. While it’s slower and you do have the time and bandwidth for, don’t waste any more time talking about it. Do it. Once you get started, the project will inevitably get thrown into action.


3. People-Watch

One of the most significant parts of this time of year is people watching. As a communications professional, professional people-watching is crucial since the focus of this profession is people. Connections, engaging, understanding, etc. This will spark so many ideas you won’t know what to do with them all.


4. Focus

Focusing on your PR goals has to be at the forefront or else, why are you working towards anything? Staying focused on those goals is another story. Focus is required for success, but it seems to typically fade when the pressure of growing a PR agency gets heavy. Do the best you can to remain focused, because it’s one of the things an agency needs to most.


5. Prioritize

Once you’ve chosen the goals and strategies/tactics, prioritizing is back in action. Maybe one goal that was at the top of the list at the beginning of the year is now a little lower on the totem pole. That is normal. Figure out the order of priority and have an honest conversation with your team about what can be done. Don’t spend too much time on one thing on the list and not achieve everything else, you’ll get nowhere fast. 


There you have it. Get that makeover going. What do you have on your to-do list for the rest of 2019? Do you need professional help to do this? Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation.



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