How do I get featured in Architectural Digest?

Do you want your name to appear in an article in Architectural Digest? Do you dream of hearing customers telling you they learn about you while browsing the pages of their favorite magazine? With the right method, this isn’t as unattainable as you may think. And if you’re aren’t convinced yet having a PR strategy is right for you, keep on reading!

3 benefits of being featured in Architectural Digest

1. Brand awareness, reputation, and trust

Architectural Digest is a leading magazine in the industry which means that being featured in such a magazine will do wonders to improve your brand awareness and reputation. It will impact how people perceive your company and increase the level of trust potential customers will have in you. 

This is a much more efficient method than running your own ads and promotion because this shows you are approved by a well-known, trusted, and high-authority third-party media.


2. Sales opportunities 

By being featured in Architectural Digest, your name is now in front of a massive interested audience. This might not mean that your sale that month is going to explode. But you will be getting known by new potential customers which undoubtedly is the first step to increase your sales!  

PRO TIP: make sure to align your sales and marketing strategy to your PR efforts. If you know when you will be featured in a magazine, this might be a great time to start a new campaign, push a best-seller offer or offer an interesting freebie so you can turn these website visitors into leads. 

3. New collaborations 

Once you’re featured in a magazine, you are putting your name out in the industry. Don’t be surprised if other industry leaders reach out to you. This is a great time to make new connections and collaborations. You can also leverage this increased exposure to actively reach out to people you’ve been wanting to collaborate with or to position yourself as an expert in your field. Let’s say there is an industry event you’ve been wanting to speak at… What better time than now to reach out to them?!

Now that we’re convinced that getting your name published in a major magazine such as Architectural Digest is an incredible opportunity for your business… How do we actually make it happen? Here is a list of what you need to do and the biggest mistakes to avoid!

Do’s & Don’ts to get published

1. Don’t pitch the entire industry at the same time. Do pitch one publication at a time!

Pitching one publication at a time is crucial! If you’re trying to sell a unique story then you need to keep it unique. If Architectural Digest is number 1 on your list then focus on them first. These publications want to make sure to keep the exclusivity on a topic so if they hear you’ve also shared the story with their competitors they probably won’t reach out to you in the future for other pieces.

If they don’t want to publish your story this time, then and only then you can start pitching another media outlet.

Make sure to also know which editors within the editorial team to contact. If you have a new product or collection, you’ll likely want to reach out to someone on the market side vs someone who covers home tours. Spend time researching and reading their work and select the editor that will most likely be interested in what you have to offer. 

2. Don’t stalk the editor by phone. Do email them and be ready to answer them right away!   

Email outreach is to this day the most efficient way to reach out to editors. 

Keep in mind that editors are extremely busy and receive a lot of emails. Once you’ve sent your pitch, don’t freak out if you haven’t heard from them right away. They might find your story interesting but need to wrap up another piece before the deadline. 

If after a week or two you haven’t heard anything back you can send a kind reminder. But do keep your interactions to emails and avoid calling them! 

Now if you do hear back from them be sure to answer them ASAP and don’t miss your window of opportunity. 

3. Don’t pitch your entire portfolio. Do focus on your unique work! 

We’re sure you have a lot of things to be proud of. But when it comes to pitching the press you want to make sure to be very selective and to focus on a very unique story. Think of something that hasn’t been seen everywhere else yet! Newness is key when it comes to press. 

Maybe what is unique is the location or the features you had to work around? Or is it an unusual technique you used? Maybe it’s a new eco-friendly material? 

4. Don’t share a story that’s full of holes. Do help the editor build the narrative around your project!

Now that you have that story you really want to showcase, the work has just begun! You need to help the editor understand how YOUR work goes into THEIR magazine. Why is it so special? What makes your approach more unique and different? Share the important details that create this interesting story. Details can give more depth to a story. But make sure to not overwhelm the editor with a lot of unnecessary facts. 

5. Don’t share your iPhone pictures. Do hire a professional photographer!

Your photography can make you win or lose your case! Hire a photographer that is an expert in editorial pieces and spend some time with them to review the Architectural Digest style. This will help you to strategize on how to best feature your work. 

To learn more about how to organize your shoot and which pictures to take, download our free guide here

6. Don’t forget about your social media. Do align your PR and social media strategy. 

Social media and PR go hand in hand these days! Editors are also on social media looking for new ideas. So make sure your platforms are up-to-date with quality pictures and details (while still keeping some exclusive information and pictures for the editor!).

Following editors and interacting with them on the different social media platforms is also a great way to get attention. But be careful to not look too pushy! Use this time instead to build relationships. 

Are you ready to see your name featured in your favorite magazine? Start working on these different steps to make it happen! If you need help and do not want to do it on your own, reach out to our team of PR experts. Over the years, we have built strong relationships with editors from all over the industry! 

Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation.



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