How to Nail My Niche And Get More Attention Online

When you are trying to get more attention online, having a niche can be a great way to stand out from the crowd. A niche is simply a focus on a specific type of work, industry or service. But it's not easy to nail down exactly what your niche should be. That's why we've compiled this list of tips for getting clear on your WIFM (that's "What I'm Meant For") and creating a solid brand that will get you noticed online—and in real life!

Get clear on your WIFM ("What I'm Meant For")

Being able to articulate your WIFM is the most important thing you can do when it comes to marketing your brand. Why? Because it’s what will help you stand out from the crowd and get more attention online.

If you still don't know what your WIFM is, or if it's not clear enough for anyone else but yourself, then this blog post is for YOU! Keep reading so you can figure out YOUR why, what and how so that YOU can start attracting more people interested in YOUR design business!

Build a personal brand

A personal brand is how you want the world to perceive you, both personally and professionally. A good way to think about it is as an extension of your personality. What do you want people to think about when they hear your name? Do you want them thinking "Oh, she's great with kids!" or "If I hire her for my company's website project, it will be done right." The more specific and focused that idea is, the better.

Some examples of personal brands include:

  • A writer who wants people thinking "I'm fun" vs "I'm serious" or "I'm organized" vs "I'm creative"

  • A business owner who wants people thinking “This person knows his stuff” vs “This person takes care of their customers”

Build a business brand

Once you’ve figured out your niche and crafted a solid brand, it’s time to build some momentum.

This means creating a clear vision and mission statement for your business, as well as crafting a values statement that will serve as the foundation for all future decisions related to your brand. It also means developing a unique writing style that reflects who you are, which we’ll tackle next week.

One thing I always recommend is having an image associated with your name or company logo because this helps people associate themselves with you and what they believe in. The easiest way to do this is by using colors that make up the primary colors of red green blue (RGB). Then use those colors again on all marketing materials from social media posts, down to email signatures, and where possible on your website as an accent color.

This will keep consistency throughout everything you're doing and where you're showing up online so people can identify YOU and YOUR work.

Having a niche and a clear offering gets you clients that are willing to pay you what you're worth.

...This is because your clients will know exactly what they’re getting and be more likely to hire you again.

They won't have to spend time figuring out if they need your services or not, because they'll already know what kind of help you provide and why it's valuable for them.

That means less time spent on sales calls (A recent study conducted by Forbes showed that sales calls and client acquisition activities can take up to 70% of a business owner's time!), fewer meetings where we try to convince people, fewer meetings with people who don't need our services in the first place.

Being specific gets you more attention.

By focusing on a niche, you're able to reach an audience that shares interests with you and has the same goals as you do. You can focus on what they want, which makes it easier to market yourself and your business.

This is because when someone looks at a product or service they will often decide whether or not they want it based on whether or not the product appeals to them personally and matches their needs. For example if someone wants a new phone case but doesn't care about having one with glitter on it then choosing from all available cases isn't going to be very easy because there would still be dozens of options left after removing any glitter ones from consideration!

There are many benefits to having a niche — or a specialty — in business.

When you're known for something specific, it's easier for customers to find you, and when people know what you do, they're more likely to want your services.

If you're known as an expert in your field, then people will seek out your expertise and advice. As an expert and leader in the field of marketing research, I've worked with many companies that have had specific needs such as finding out who their target audience is or how they can best reach their target audience online.

Having a clear niche helps you be seen as an expert and leader.

This is the most powerful reason why having a niche is so important. When you focus on one topic, you will have more credibility in your industry than someone who dabbles in many areas. When it comes time for people to hire someone for their project or buy something from your store, they will trust you more if they know what type of content or products you offer.

You’ll also be able to speak more confidently about your area of expertise when speaking with others about it (in person or online).

It's easier for others to refer work to you when they know exactly what you do.

If someone asks your friend or colleague, "Hey, I need someone to design my website," it's better if they can say: "Oh yeah! My friend Molly designs websites. She does great work and she's really easy to work with!"

It's even better if the same person can say: "My colleague Molly who does amazing design work, she specializes in websites, and I trust her implicitly."

A clear specialty can help you charge more for your services.

Once you start specializing and focusing, you'll find that you can charge more for your services. This is because:

  • You will have become an expert in your field, and therefore more valuable than the average freelancer or consultant.

  • People who need what you offer won't have to waste time searching through dozens of different people; they will know immediately that they want to work with you because of who you are and what type of work you do.

  • Your business will become known for one thing (rather than having no clear specialty), which means that people looking for services like yours will come straight to your website when they search online instead of being distracted by other results as well as ads from competitors trying hard to stand out in order not be overlooked themselves

Your work will be more satisfying if you narrow your focus.

By narrowing your focus, you will be able to produce better work. Your pieces will be more targeted, which means that they will be more relevant to the people who need them.

You'll have a deeper understanding of your niche if you narrow its scope, because this is what gives life and meaning to anything we do as designers (or just as people). As an example: if someone were going through a difficult breakup and wanted help dealing with their pain and confusion, they might go online looking for answers—and find information on how other people had managed similar situations. They could then try some of these tips out themselves until they found something that worked best for them! What does this mean? It means that it's okay not knowing everything about everything before we share our work with others…as long as we do our research first!

When you specialize, it's easier to speak at events or publish in the press because you bring something unique to the mix.

When you specialize, it's easier to speak at events or publish in the press because you bring something unique to the mix. You can also become an industry thought leader by speaking at conferences and writing guest posts for others' sites.

When people read your writing, they'll know exactly what to expect from you next. This builds trust and familiarity with your work—and ultimately makes it more likely that they'll buy from you or sign up for your newsletter..

People with specialties tend to get invited to collaborate on projects because they fill a needed role.

Being a specialist is the key to getting invited to collaborate on projects and being interviewed for articles. It's also the key to making money online, because it means you have a reputation for being good at what you do. People will want to hire you or pay for your services because they know that if they don't get someone who knows exactly what they're talking about, then their product or business won't be as good.

Specialists are in demand everywhere—but especially in the interior design industry. If you're an expert at something specific and people know it, then it makes sense that those people would want your help when they need something done right the first time.

Your online presence will show up more in search engines if you're specific about what you offer.

To start, consider who your ideal clients are and what their biggest problems or questions are. Then, write about those things as specifically as possible—and don't forget to include keywords in every post!

For example, if you want to create a blog that helps people lose weight, just write posts on "how to lose 20 pounds in a week" instead of "weight loss". You'd be surprised at how much more traffic this can bring you.

Here's how to nail down your niche and get the benefits of being specialized in your profession or industry.

An effective niche is one that gives you a unique angle, allows you to stand out from the crowd and solves a problem for your audience. Here's how to do it:

  • Define your niche. Building on what we covered in the first section of this article, define who you are and what makes you unique.

  • Determine what makes them unique? What problem does this solve? If there are any holes in their experience or knowledge base, can they use your resources as fillers? Can they find answers with more authority than before?

Need more help NAILING YOUR NICHE? CLICK HERE to download our freebies, including a step-by-step guide to getting laser clear on YOUR niche so you can stand out online!


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