What Makes A Lifestyle Brand & Why This Is Important For Your Success

Have you heard the term “lifestyle brand”? Do you really understand what it means? This article is putting the spotlight on what makes a lifestyle brand and how it can help you to grow a successful business. Ready? Let’s go!

  • Selling a Product VS. Inspiring to a Lifestyle

Lifestyle brands don’t sell products. Of course, they have products and services available for sales. But this is not what they mainly talk about or sell. What they are selling is more than a product. They represent a lifestyle, a way of living. 

Instead of selling a product/service, they become a source of INSPIRATION and MOTIVATION. The product or service they do sell is a way to achieve and participate in that lifestyle. 

>> Define the lifestyle you are supporting

Forget for a second about the WHAT you are selling. Instead, define the lifestyle you are supporting and promoting. How are you inspiring your customers? What do you want your customers to be motivated about? Eco-friendly & zero-waste lifestyle? Travel, digital nomad experiences? Minimalist and wellbeing-focused way of living? The list goes on and you get to pick!

  • Have Strong Values You Are Proud Of

A lifestyle brand has a personality. It represents humans with values and emotions. It’s not just a cold business strategy. 

>>Define the values of your brand

Make sure you do believe in these values or it will feel dishonest. By having strong values and engaging in them you will bring awareness and education on topics you are passionate about. Your marketing will be then a source of valuable content instead of just pushing your sales. 

  • Understand Your Audience 

Understanding and defining your audience is key to have a strong impact as a lifestyle brand. Be clear on the aspirations of your audience, their desires, goals, and dreams. As well as their struggles, fears, and doubts. Your brand is an answer to all of that. Lifestyle brands help solve the problems their audience is having and offer aligned solutions.

>>Define your audience

Understand the problems your customers are having and offer solutions that are in alignment with the lifestyle you are representing.

  • Build A Community 

Lifestyle brands care about their people. They don’t bet on one-time paying customers. Instead, they build a strong relationship with their customers who then become very loyal to the brand. These brands grow a community where people feel inspired, motivated, and proud to be a part of. 

>>Engage with your community

This isn’t a one-way conversation where you push sales on them. You are creating a platform where people can meet, feel understood. Share content where they can participate. Highlight them and make them feel like an important and active part of your brand. 

Let’s take a quick example: 

Patagonia is more than a clothing brand. They are a source of inspiration for the people who dream of the outdoors. They are a source of information for the people who want to save our planet. They are a community of outdoors and sports enthusiasts. 

Browse their Instagram and you won’t see them push their products. Go on their website and the first thing you will see is a project they are actively working on or protecting. Yet they are a very successful company selling clothing, shoes, and gears.

By defining a lifestyle you want to support, you are opening the doors to a different way of marketing your brand. A more profound way to connect with your audience. An authentic and honest way to show up in the industry. A way to be more full and complete and relate more to your audience. 

If your brand wasn’t your product or your service. Who and what would it be?

If you need help growing your lifestyle brand, contact us. Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation. 

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