A Killer Content Marketing Strategy for Interior Designers

When looking for a content marketing strategy that really works, the internet is abundant in tips, tricks, and tools to make you stand out from the crowd. It can be a bit overwhelming. 

How do you know which strategy is the one for you and your business and, more importantly, how can you save your precious time and energy by diving straight into a content strategy that is tried, tested, and actually gets you the results you want?

Before jumping into true strategy it’s important to get clear on what you have to offer potential clients. What is your area of expertise? Do you have a niche market? Who are you hoping to attract? What is the problem you are here to solve?

Whether you design glamourous city apartments for clients with big budgets, home offices or you specialize in rustic kitchen transformations, you want to be known for your work. 

This is a strategy within itself let’s note! 

Get niched

Choose your area of design focus, and get known for it! You want to know exactly why your design is a better solution than someone else’s. Be clear on exactly why clients want to hire you. 

Pick 4 reasons why and use these within your chosen marketing materials. 

While this may feel easier said than done, there is a way to get yourself out there by using specific content marketing tools.

In the present market, there is an expectation that your brand needs a story to tell, and it must be attention-grabbing! Content marketing presents huge opportunities for designers to connect with their target audience and competition for peoples’ time and attention is fierce.

If you struggle with defining your niche, download our freebie to nail your niche

Content marketing helps you to tell your story and one powerful way to share your story is by utilizing SEO (search engine optimization).

Creating search engine optimized content

It’s all well and good to create visually stunning content for your website, but if people can’t find you then it’s a lot of effort wasted.

Blog posts, cornerstone pages on your website, and social media posts can get you top rankings in organic search results. Meaning that clients who are actively looking for interior designers will be able to find you quickly. 

Types of SEO content include: Blog posts, articles (including lists), product pages, how-to guides, infographics, videos, and directories. 

You want to create content to attract search engine traffic before you consider the visual appeal.

Here’s how:

  • Keyword Research: Do keyword research before you begin creating content. This helps you to focus on keywords for which a certain amount of search volume already exists. Look up topics that people are already searching for information about.

    Know-how and where to place your keywords in your content for optimal searchability.

  • Organize Your Content: The content on your website needs to be presented in a logical way to help improve your SEO. It also helps site visitors find what they need (and stay longer on your website). The longer they stay, the better. Use H1, H2, paragraph layout to organize your content correctly. 

  • Content Promotion on Social Media: Increase your visibility by promoting your content on social media networks, link the content back to your website to increase the number of website viewers. 

  • Offer Value: Search engine traffic and one-click-wonders are not your only goal here. You want people to return to you and your website time and time again. To please both search engines (who reward you with high rankings over time) and potential clients, you need to offer real value and rewards for people visiting your site. Make sure that each piece of content you publish has a clear goal and is packed with value for the readers.

To get ideas for content creation, read our 3 TOP CONTENT IDEAS FOR INTERIOR DESIGNERS

Convert readers into paying customers:

You want your content to convert into paying customers after all right?

To help develop an SEO content strategy it’s important to define your goals. Are you looking to monetize your site via ads, to drive sales through your website, or perhaps you just want to increase website traffic and your visibility? Your goals determine the type of content you need to focus on. 

If your goal is to convert readers into paying customers, you will want to create attractive, informative product pages that share tons of value and entice the client. Remember your keywords, they come in handy here.

Focus time on blog pages that share your expertise and/or product. 

Allow your creative mind to go wild here and play with ideas to create the perfect place for your ideal client to land when they find you.


A killer content marketing strategy doesn’t happen overnight! If you are ready to grow your interior design business and don’t have a solid strategy in place yet, get in touch with us now!

Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation.

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