What are the benefits of digital press and getting published online

The one action item likely to sit at the top of an interior designer’s marketing plan is having their work published. Seeing your name and interior design company mentioned in the press is undoubtedly a huge win for gaining exposure, trust and inquiries.

As our world becomes more and more digital, what does it mean for public relations? We can’t deny that we live in a digital age. The changes in technology have shifted our habits in all areas of our lives. Where we go to gather information and the way we communicate had drastically changed. It makes sense that it’s changed publishing too. Print magazines, whilst still successful, are making the switch to digital publishing - with some removing their print publications altogether.

Do you value print press more than digital press? Are you wondering if being published online really has the same impact on your business as having your name printed on a paper or magazine?

Let’s find out! 

There are a ton of reasons why digital press is the way to go when it comes to your interior design business. We've gathered together some resources to inspire you. 

8 benefits of digital press

#1 Digital Media is quick 

The digital space is perfect for on-trend projects where it might be better to get your work in front of people quickly. Print magazines on the other hand requires a lot more preparation and strategic thinking. It’s important to pitch your projects at the right time to not miss the print deadlines and it can take months to actually appear on the shelves.

If you want quicker results, digital media is a great way to go!  

#2 Lasting content

Where a magazine is essentially one and done, being published in the digital world means your work is accessible forever. You can refer to the article and link back to the website months, even years, after! It’s easy to save that piece instead of magazines that can get easily lost and forgotten. 

#3 Create backlinks

In this digital world, getting mentioned online is great for your SEO. If a high-authority newspaper or magazine publishes your name and includes a link back to your website, your site will get a better reputation on search engines (such as Google) and will rank higher on their list.

#4 Increase traffic on your site or social media

By getting mentioned and having your link included in magazines, it will also increase your traffic on your website or social media page for months and months. When analyzing your website analytics, it’s not rare to find that one of the top sources of traffic overtime comes from a magazine that mentioned you and link your site.

How many times have you read something interesting in a magazine but didn’t save it and forgot what it was? With digital press, if you find something interesting you can easily click on the website or Instagram page and save it for later or even send it someone that would be interested in it. And that’s what people will do with your piece, too!

#5 Reach a wider audience 

Digital publishing has the ability to reach a huge audience. You can even go viral! With print circulations, the number of potential readers is limited to the amount printed, and retailers that sell them. With digital publications, anyone can access a feature, anytime and anywhere! This improves your brand awareness and visibility tenfold as an interior designer. This is especially important for designers who offer e-design services and work with clients all over the country or the world! 

#6 Digital press is more interactive

With a digital feature, you get the chance to be a part of the discussion, sometimes features include video Q&As and other types of media. You also get the opportunity to increase your social media following by collaborating with online publications. People feel more connected to you, as opposed to a photo and some words in a magazine that lacks a sense of connection.

#7 Be where people are

It’s a fact. We now are searching for information, inspiration, and entertainment online, first! Don’t miss the opportunity to be where your audience is!

#8 It’s great content to share

Being published online makes it super easy for you to share that piece on your social media and on your website. You can easily link back to the article for people to learn more about it. It’s great content to share. Being mentioned and supported by third-party high-authority magazines whether online or printed works magic. The advantage of it being online is that it makes it super easy for you to reshare it and for people to find it! They don’t need to buy the magazine, just to click on the link!

So…do you still believe digital publications have a lesser value than print publications? Tap in the power of the digital world and make sure your business gets mentioned!

Now… How to get featured online?

Getting featured in a design or lifestyle publication can make a big difference to your business. People are constantly searching the internet for inspiration and getting featured by a trusted publication boosts your visibility tenfold! It also increases your credibility and can be used as ‘social proof’ when connecting with potential new clients. Having a public relations strategy that includes digital publications is crucial in today's digital age.

Here are our top tips on how to boost your PR strategy and get yourself featured online.

1. Ensure you have a unique story that can be told through imagery

Being able to capture an audience's attention through your design images is important, but what really solidifies your pitch is being able to tell a story through your work. To get your work noticed, you have to pitch a unique story that will pique the interest of publishers and editors. 

Ask yourself: Does this story evoke emotion or create some kind of connection with people?

Ensure all of your photos have a clear context. So often designers place photos on their website with no context or meaning, so it’s unclear what the designer has done. So use this as an opportunity to edit your website too, as this is where publications will go to learn more about you when making a decision. It’s also important to note that in doing this you help journalists write about you and your work. Having photos with adequate descriptions gives them everything they need upfront. 

PRO TIP: Keep some pictures exclusively for the magazine you are pitching. A picture that is already out on your social media or website will have less value as a new one that hasn’t been published yet. 

2. Update your marketing and keep your content fresh

Before pitching editors, you want to create the perfect conditions for them to say yes!

If an editor is curious about you, what will they currently find? Is your online presence up-to-date?

Does your website represent your brand correctly? Is it well-branded? Do you have an “About Us” page that shares your story? It may be time to update your portfolio and as we said in the previous point to include contextual information to it to share the bigger story. 

Your social media presence is also very important. What kind of content is being currently shared? How representative of your work are the pictures you share?

Check out these top 6 digital marketing ideas for interior design business to help you get started!

3. Choose your preferred publication with intention

The first step in creating a press release or pitch is to choose which publication is suitable for your business. Don’t just pitch to any and every design magazine out there for the sake of it. 


Choose magazines that have a similar aesthetic to your project and have an audience that would appreciate your project.



Ask yourself: What publications are my ideal clients reading or looking up? 


Think outside of the box and list design magazines as well as other publications that have a different focus but share your ideal client. 


For example, let’s say you are an expert in designing green sustainable homes. What about reaching out to publications with a focus on eco-friendly projects?


Click here if you want to know how to get published in Architectural Digest


4. Build a relationship with the editor


Now that you know which publication(s) you desire to be featured in, it’s time to build a relationship with the editors! Editors won’t write about you without knowing a little bit about you. Get yourself and your business seen. Start by following them on Twitter and other social media platforms they are active on. Engage with their work, repost, comment, etc. 

Remember that building a relationship takes time. Authentic interaction and engagement with their content are key. Humans connect best with humans, so share your personality on your social. As an interior designer, your personality matters, too! Again, you’ll need to ensure your own social media is up to scratch and a place that really showcases your business, your style, and yourself. 

5. Download their editorial calendar

If it takes less time than with print, digital press also has an editorial calendar to follow. Make sure the content you are pitching aligns with their editorial calendar. You can also find a list of topics they like to write about and other guidelines that can help you in knowing what and how to pitch them. 

6. Write a captivating press release

Writing a press release is one of the most powerful and important aspects of interior design PR. When you can successfully write a press release, you can bring immediate exposure to your project. Publications receive cold pitches all the time, most of which get ignored. However, a captivating press release is something that will get their attention.


Another great advantage of a press release is that when you create a proper one, you make the journalist’s work easier! This makes them even more likely to work with you. They can quickly write a piece based on your press release or even, in most cases, publish parts of your press release itself! It’s a win-win. 


We help clients write captivating but also to-the-point press releases that we know editors will be interested in reading. 


Here are our top tips to write a press release:

  • Make sure what you’re sharing is actually ‘newsworthy’ and something people need/wants to see

  • Have a great headline that grabs people's attention fast

  • Keep it short and simple, don’t overcomplicate it

  • Include a call to action for people to connect with you and your business

  • Consider what media you use (photography, videos, quotes, etc) make sure they are relevant; qualitative, unique, and attention-grabbing


7. Ensure you follow up 


Follow-ups are key! Most of the time people see your email and forget about it. Sending a follow-up reminds them of you. Plus this is another opportunity to get their attention and interest. Finding the right balance between reminding people of your work without being too pushy is important. Ensure you communicate how much you appreciate their time and be mindful of your intention when following up, don’t bombard people with multiple emails weekly.

Getting featured in digital press is all about relationship building and requires a lot of patience. Hiring an expert PR team can be highly beneficial for you and can help to take the overwhelm out and get you the feature you deserve. We have built strong relationships with editors across the interior design industry and they trust the content we send them! If you are interested in learning more about our PR offerings and how we can help you get your name out there, reach out to us today!


Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation. 


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